Clara Cerioni
“Estava impensável ver como o mundo evoluiu e nós ainda aprovando projetos como há 50 anos atrás”. Essa frase resume o incômodo que motivou o secretário de Planejamento e Urbanismo de Mogi das Cruzes, Claudio Rodrigues, a mapear possíveis soluções para resolver um problema em comum de todas as cidades brasileiras: a morosidade no processo de licenciamento de obras e reformas.
Becky Ham
An artificial intelligence framework built by MIT researchers can give an “early-alert” signal for future high-impact technologies, by learning from patterns gleaned from previous scientific publications.In a retrospective test of its capabilities, DELPHI, short for Dynamic Early-warning by Learning to Predict High Impact, was able to identify all pioneering papers on an experts’ list of key foundational biotechnologies, sometimes as early as the first year after their publication.James W. Weis, a research affiliate of the MIT Media Lab, and Joseph Jacobson, a professor of media arts and sciences and head of the Media Lab’s Molecular Machines research group, also used DELPHI to highlight 50 recent scientific papers that they predict will be high impact by 2023. Topics covered by the papers include DNA nanorobots used for cancer treatment, high-energy density lithium-oxygen batteries, and chemical synthesis using deep neural networks, among others.
Marcelo Minghelli, Belisa Bettega da Rosa, Guilherme Goulart Righetto, Íris Tramontim, Jairo alves de Almeida, Luciano Castilho Assumpção e Sila Louzada Figueiras Júnior
Esta publicação apresenta os resultados da pesquisa exploratória O Novo Sistema Nacional de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação: estratégias interdisciplinares para sua implantação e regulamentação. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no âmbito do Programa Cátedras Brasil Inovação, referente ao edital nº 39/2018, organizado pelo Laboratório de Inovação em Governo - GNova da Escola Nacional de Administração Pública - Enap.
David Valle-Cruz
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors that generate public value in e-governmentservices through emerging technologies and to answer the following question: Which are the factors thatgenerate public value, in the e-government services, through emerging technologies?
Design/methodology/approach – Based on a multivariate linear regression model, the author tests thepublic value of e-government services through emerging technologies in the metropolitan area of the TolucaValley. Five factors are evaluated to understand public value: anti-corruption strategies, access to publicinformation, transparency platforms, social media and service kiosks.
Findings – Smart strategies and technologies must be guided by the generation of public value throughanti-corruption strategies, open data, access to information and data privacy. The efforts of governmentsshould focus on avoiding corruption, making government transparent, opening data and correct handling ofinformation privacy. Technology is an important mechanism to boost public value generation.
Research limitations/implications – Mexico is a developing country, and there are very few emergingtechnologies implemented in e-Government.
Practical implications – The results are important to identify good practices for the generation of publicvalue in the e-Government area.
Originality/value – The study of emerging technologies is a new area in government, and this paper studiesthe generation of public value through emerging technologies in a developing country.
Conselho Nacional de Justiça
Institui a Política de Gestão da Inovação no âmbito do Poder Judiciário.
Art. 1º Fica instituída a Política de Gestão da Inovação, no âmbito do Poder Judiciário, visando ao aprimoramento das atividades dos órgãos judiciários, por meio da difusão da cultura da inovação, com a modernização de métodos e técnicas de desenvolvimento do serviço judiciário, de forma coletiva e em parceria, com ênfase na proteção dos Direitos e Garantias Fundamentais previstos na Constituição Federal.